[ Sorry no report last month, I missed the meet due to work and there was little gossip to report. ] A good turnout this month though with some actual classics in the car park, I suppose my old Corolla doesn’t count. Ray was discussing the vast amounts of metal he has had to replace on his TR7 and that he is looking for an autobox to go in it. Likewise John was showing pictures of his £400 “box of bits†MK1 Spitfire and the work he had done on it. He would like to have it done for the anniversary in 2022, but thinks time is against him. (Keep going John, sleep is for wimps J) Derek did his bit for the environment by not burning the fuel on the way home, but instead dumping it from one of the carbs all over the road. 5 MPG is a bit steep even for a Stag. I think he got back ok. Right, soapbox time. No I’m not going to rant about the jokers up London, but events nearer home. As I said at the beginning of the year my position as AO was only temporary and it was hoped that someone who was still active on the club scene would come forward to take on the role, if only as a name to contact. However, this has not been the case and I feel I cannot do the area and Club justice by carrying on further, not having a Triumph etc. Whilst those still meeting will surely carry on, I fear without presence in the Courier and backup from HQ those wishing to join will not have access to that information, with the inevitable outcome. The TSSC has at least 8 areas within the boundary of one South East area of another club that I know of. We are well catered for. Most of our members are only 45 minutes away from a meet at most and it would be a shame to lose Canterbury's. Best summed up in a verse from Joni Michell’s 1970 song†Big Yellow Taxi†YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU’VE GOT ‘TILL IT’S GONE Regards Dell
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