The Triumph Sports Six Club The club for all Triumph enthusiasts t: +44 (0)1858 434424
e: info@tssc.org.uk

Northern, North East Area news

11 June 2019

N.East June News

  Our first run out of the season was a outstanding success, we had 7 club cars take part plus Mick in his Caterham, we covered over 80 miles around Weardale and Teesdale, with only a few navigational errors  on some very narrow and bumpy country lanes, the GT bottomed out on its exhaust on a few of the bumpiest bits, we eventually ended up at Middleton in Teesdale for a picnic lunch. Joe's issue with wheel Squeal came back, further investigation is needed, or possible new pads to be fitted. We only had one car missing from those that entered, Johns Spitfire developed a misfire the day before the run and a suspect coil may well have be the problem, but after further investigation it was found to be the Electronic ignition that was the problem, by then it was to late to get a replacement, which was a shame as he may well have won a rosette for best Triumph instead of Kevan and his Stag, Deryck claims if he had lifted his bonnet, he would have won the award instead.
  On the car front Martins Vitesse is back from paint and as i am writing this he is getting down to the job of re-trimming it.
  I am writing this before our monthly meeting as I am away for a week, and flying out early on the Monday morning,so  I will be missing from the MG  Chester Le street show the following weekend, hopefully we will have a good turn out for this event.
  A few of us are going up to a car meet at Humshaugh,near Hexham, we don't know what to expect so more news on this next month, UPDATE just a bunch of hooray Henry's in brand new Ferrari's and Lamborghini's with the odd Maserati thrown in
  June's  planned events
47th Border classic show Lauder June 2nd (club night)
Morpeth Fair June 9th
Paxton house Berwick June 23rd
Picnic Run out to Tan Hill June 30th TBC.
We have also been invited to display a few cars at an open garden event In Longhurst  Morpeth on the 22nd see Kevan for more details.
  Just got back from our meeting so here's the gossip
Mr Fish must get an award for getting a car on the road, he turned up in the Gentry!!! yes it lives once again, its seven years since he took it to France and hasn't moved since.
Welcome to our meeting to Paul from Morpeth, Paul used to own the MK2 GT6 that was an ex police car, but he now has a nice TR4A.
Philip Jordan's Vittesse is having issues with his lights, a Quick inspection showed a bit of rewiring on the switch should solve the problem.
Pauling's Herald is coming along at a pace, lots of little Jobs to do yet though, just keep cracking them off and it will be on the road in no time 
More next month
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