The Triumph Sports Six Club The club for all Triumph enthusiasts t: +44 (0)1858 434424
e: info@tssc.org.uk

Midland, Worcester Area news

11 June 2019

Worcester June News

Hi Folks. As we have actually put wheels on the road for another month it seems only fitting that I put pen to paper. Whilst I haven’t managed many trips out, other members have been a bit more active. Richard took his shiny Vitesse down to Weston Super Mare over the Easter weekend, along with a few of the Gloucester crew, to enjoy the sunshine, ice cream and crazy golf. All in all a good day was had and he only had to stop once for fuel apparently. Roger went out and about on a couple of scouting runs for the Drive It Day route and what a fabulous job he did! We started at The Colliers Farm Shop for a good breakfast (one can never be too sure when we’ll next stop - OK with our lot you can!), went up and over the Clee Hill, collected a Lotus and Morris Minor van when we stopped for a picture at the top, sailed down into Ludlow and then out to Shobdon. At the airfield we pitched up just as the TVR Club were leaving, it’s good to see other clubs taking advantage of the day. The Auster Club were due to fly in for the weekend but as Saturday’s weather was pretty blowy, the aircraft would probably have ended up in the trees (if you look them up they are like balsa wood crates with wings!), so we were lucky to see the three planes come in on the Sunday morning safely - whilst having our tea and cake from the cafe.
Leaving the 70 or so bikers to their BBQ - they just kept coming in as we were leaving - we headed off to Witley Church. Again the route went thru’ glorious countryside so with the sun shining we went via Leominster, Bromyard Downs, round the back lanes of Martley and bumped our way to the church - they may want to fill in some of the potholes at some point but it made for an interesting slalom course. First stop the church and crypt, second stop the tea rooms, I would like to say that the tea and cake was fabulous but I can’t as I was left with just the tea, but I can recommend the ice cream so all was not lost! Whilst out and about we came up with a couple more run outs as there were a few places that need further exploration so watch this space. My thanks go to Roger for sorting out the route and for the cars that made it (7 in total), we’ll get a date sorted that hopefully won’t clash with too much other stuff for the ones that couldn’t come this time.
We have a few things in the pipeline, one being the Footman James Coffee and Chrome meeting on Sunday June 16th, we’ve been asked to put a club stand together so if you’d like to join in let me know and I can get you booked in.
Remember 1st Monday of the month we’ll be at The Nightingale, Spetchley - it’ll be good to see you there.
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