The Triumph Sports Six Club The club for all Triumph enthusiasts t: +44 (0)1858 434424
e: info@tssc.org.uk

Midland, Worcester Area news

02 May 2019

Worcester May News

Things are warming up slightly for the area events, we don’t like to rush headlong into things! The beginning of March saw our Christmas dinner being held at The Nightingale, it used to be called the Annual dinner but for some reason whenever I shouted it up at the meeting Christmas and dinner went together better (I blame Pavlov). Carolyn helped us get into the swing of things by bringing along the crackers and Clive kindly supplied the party poppers. We saw one table off fairly swiftly at the beginning of the evening but the rest of the pub stuck with us and I think enjoyed the spectacle of 20 people wearing paper hats, telling jokes and doing chair charades for the evening. I think we’ll be allowed back next year…….
A few of us made it up to the NEC for the Practical Classics Restoration show, as ever it was all way over my head as to what I was looking at half of the time but the band that played on the Friday were good and the TSSC Club Stand refreshments was well up to standard so all was in order as far as I was concerned! The ones that do know one end of a spanner from the other seemed to come away with the appropriate number of bags to their skill level so I guess they were happy as well.
We do have a few things in the pipeline for the next couple or months, by the time you’re reading this you’ll have either been on the Drive It Day run with us or have heard how fabulous it was if you missed it! We also have a couple of evening runs in mind as well as the annual fish ’n’ chip jaunt and a trip into Mid Wales is being bandied about.
As with a few of the things we do, it's a bit difficult to pin a date down for some of these events so if you want to be kept in the loop try and make it on the first Monday of the month to The Nightingale, Spetchley - unless it’s a BH Monday in which case it’s the second Monday, so May 13th, not the 6th! - or drop me an email and I can add you to the list.
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