The Triumph Sports Six Club The club for all Triumph enthusiasts t: +44 (0)1858 434424
e: info@tssc.org.uk

Midland, Leicester and Rutland Area news

09 July 2019

Leics/Rutland July News

Only four weeks to go now to our Sunshine Rally in Greetham in Rutland, on the weekend 2-4 August. Just a few things to sort out then we are ready. The bbq is ready, the coach trip is booked, the bar is stocking up, sunshine booked, rally route printed, Launde Abbey know we are coming.
We have been busy lately, as I’m guessing most areas have, though the weather hasn’t been playing ball on some days.
A group of us have just returned from the Laon Historique in France which was the usual superb event that it always is. Again the weather was a bit iffy, especially for the gang camping. The only criticism being the new timings of the event on Sunday that started a bit late for the Laon town circuit. This event is such a contrast to the totally health and safety strangled events in the UK. They are so laid back in the rest of Europe compared to the UK. If you haven’t done the Laon Historique before then I highly recommend it.
We had no major incidents just a few fuel related problems but a 2000 club member, Dave Harvey unfortunately crashed his car on a nasty bit of road on the Saturday drive around. Everyone ok and his car is now back home so it could have been worse. One lesson to be learned from his misfortune is that his recovery policy would not cover accidents, only breakdowns so please check with your brokers what your cover includes.
Some of us did the Loughborough town centre car display though again the weather wasn’t brilliant. At the time of writing our next event is a group drive to the car and toy museum at Bourton-on-the-water. It’s where Brum is kept if anyone remembers him? Also coming up soon, though finished by the time you are reading this is The Peak Run. Several L&R cars going though myself and two others are going to the Triumph 2000 club National at Banburgh in Northumberland. It’s disappointing when two good events clash like that.
Hope to see as many of you as possible at the Sunshine Rally.
Keep running on 4/6/8
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